Terms & Conditions

This website corresponds to the following company:
Voadora Axencia Creativa ESPJ

And the company address, for correspondence and to exercise rights, is the following:
Avenida de Redondela, 82
planta 1, puerta B
36320 Redondela (Pontevedra)

By using this website you are the user and implies your full acceptance of, without reservation, all that relates to the use of cookies, in the terms expressed in the corresponding Law 34/2002, 11 July, of The Society of Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), where modifications have been included after the correction of the errors published in BOE number 187, from 6 August 2002, the same as those introduced by Royal Decree–Law 13/2012, from 30 of March, that transpose orders in matters of internal markets for electricity and gas and in matters of electronic communication, and for the adoption of measures for the correction of the variances between costs and income of the electronic and gas sectors (BOE 78, 31 March 2012).

Therefore, if you are not in agreement with any of the conditions and/or conditions established here, you should not use/access this website.

1. Cookie Policy

In this website we use the following cookies, with the aim of improving our service and display advertisements related to your preferences, through the analysis of your navigation habits.

Third Party Cookies
Session Cookies
Customer Preference Cookies
Website Analytics Cookies

Therefore, and as stated earlier, if you continue navigating, we assume that you accept the use of these cookies. However, you can change the configuration of the cookies, which is explained further on (see section 4 of this document).

2. Cookies

Cookies are text files that are stored on your computer when you visit some websites. Cookies help a website provide you with a more tailored experience, by storing and retrieving information about your navigation habits and help to recognize your device on future visits.

3. Types of Cookies

3.1. Owner Specific Cookies

Website Cookies: Cookies which are sent to the users terminal from a device or domain managed by the host website, providing the service solicited by the user.

Third Party Cookies: Cookies which are sent to the users terminal from a device or domain not managed by the host website, but from another company which uses the information obtained from the cookies.

3.2. Time Sensitive Cookies

Session Cookies: Cookies which gather and store information while the user is visiting the website.

They are used to store information to help deliver the service required by the user on a particular visit (such as storing shopping information and updating the basket of a particular session).

Persistent Cookies: Cookies which are stored in the user’s terminal and can be accessed and managed for a determined period of time by the sender of the cookie. They can last from a few minutes to several years.

3.3. Other Cookies

Technical Cookies: Cookies which permit the user to navigate the website, platform or application and use various options and services, for example, the control of traffic and information, identify the session, access restricted areas, remember order information, process a bought order, register for events, use navigation security, store content for video, sound or to share content through social networks.

Personalization Cookies: Cookies which allow the user access the website with predetermined functions, such as the choice of language, the type of navigation software, the user’s location, etc.

Website Analytics Cookies: Cookies which allow the cookies owner to follow and analyse the behaviour of the users of the websites they are linked to. The information gathered through this type of cookies is used to measure the activity of the websites, application or platform and to create navigation profiles of the users to introduce a better service.

Advertising Cookies: Cookies which allow the management of the adverts included in the website, application or platform by the editor. It includes how the content is linked and how frequent the adverts are shown.

Advertising Behavioural Cookies: Cookies which allow for the management of the adverts, included by the editor, to provide the service required. The cookies store the users’ behavioural information by the continual observation of the navigation habits to develop an advertising profile of the user.

4. Cookies Administration

At Voadora Axencia Creativa ESPJ, we guarantee that you have all the information you may need to manage the cookies from our website so that, if you desire, you can stop the cookies function.

Therefore, you have the option to allow, block or eliminate the cookies installed on your equipment through the options included in your website navigation software. Below is a list of the main website navigation software, so that you can consult how to manage cookies (click on the links below):

  • Internet Explorer (version 5)
  • Internet Explorer (version 6)
  • Internet Explorer (versions 7 y 8)
  • Internet Explorer (version 9)
  • Internet Explorer (version 10)
  • Internet Explorer (version 11)
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Android
  • Windows Phone
  • Blackberry

5. Cookies Policy Updates

If you require the updated cookies policy for our website, we recommend that you consult our cookies policy every time you visit our website, so that you are always informed about why we use cookies.

Our cookies policy was last updated on 30 October 2015.